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You May Not Need as Much as You Think …

You May Not Need as Much as You Think …

Some Highlights Many people believe you need toput down 20%of the purchase price when you…

Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in …

Experts Forecast a Turnaround in the Housing Market in …

The housing market has gone through a lot of change recently, and much of that…

Do's and Don'ts After Applying for a Mortgage

you recently applied for a mortgage? If so, follow these simple tips to ensure a…

Homeownership Builds Your Wealth over Time [INFOGRAPHIC]

Homeownership Builds Your Wealth over Time [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights If yourethinkingof buying a home this year, be sure to factor in the…

Should You Rent Your House or Sell It?

Should You Rent Your House or Sell It?

If youre a homeowner ready to make a move, you may be thinking about using…